AML Compliance

Tailored advice

In our core advisory services, we offer comprehensive consultation on the implementation of AML policies, practices, and a risk-based approach. Whether you are initiating your journey towards AML compliance or seeking to enhance the efficiency of existing processes, we provide tailored guidance to meet your needs.


Customer monitoring

Customer monitoring

Especially in the financial sector, there are money laundering directives which require businesses to analyze and classify risks, while continuously monitor customers and business partners. The so-called Know-Your-Customer (KYC) principle serves the purpose of combatting money laundering, terrorist funding and other financial crimes.


Money laundering

Money laundering

Money laundering involves the concealment of the origin of illegally acquired money and its infiltration into the economic cycle. These illicit earnings mostly stem from criminal activities and sources such as drug trafficking, blackmailing, prostitution, arms trafficking, smuggling, robbery and bribery.


Economic sanctions

Economic sanctions

Economic sanctions can be targeted against trade with a country as well as certain sectors of economy, individuals, companies or specific goods. By sanction screening every company must ensure that no business is done with a natural or legal person, that has been or is involved in terrorist activities.


We do not rely on “one-size-fits-all” solutions but look at every project individually. We approach the cases analytically and methodologically, while putting emphasis on social competency. We develop concepts for the digitalization and transformation of your business and ensure that your operational and compliance processes are well prepared for the future. In doing so we analyze your standards, compare them to the legal requirements and best practices, and recommend individual solutions.

Optimization & Automation

Every implemented solution needs to be reviewed on a regular basis. The reviewing activities such as calibration, configuration tuning, list settings, data harmonization and optimization, efficiency and effectiveness tests are time-consuming topics, that require experience and comprehensive knowledge. With our expertise, we will relieve your teams.


We support your business departments and compliance units on their road to AML/ CFT conformity with certified trainers and proven training concepts.

Implementation & Migration

With a wide-range knowledge and many years of experience, we lead national and global rollout and migration projects – from the conceptualization to the solution implementation. The integration of an AFC (Anti Financial Crime) culture is an integral part of our projects. Additionally, we also always place a major importance on the stakeholders and their needs.


Our specialists accompany you on your day-to-day business – for customer identification, continuous monitoring, analysis of suspicious financial activities or the verification of sanctions and PEP (Politically Exposed Persons) hits.